In celebration of having an accepted offer on our home, I've busted out all my sewing gear and allowed it to overtake our living room once again. Ahhh, the soothing feeling of knowing your ironing board and serger are ready at a moment's notice and not buried in your children's bedroom closet just when you really need them. Let's just hope this deal goes through and I am not forced to undo everything for an open house or showing in the coming weeks!
Now, down to business:
Sassy Miss L is taking ballet classes and it is a HOOT. We are slowly gathering the right "gear" for this experience (leotard, slippers, tutu, sparkly shoes, tights...), including the newest addition: a ballet skirt. I took this tutorial and added some vintage fabric from my parents' attic to get this:

I love the happy coincidence that the flower overlaps exactly to continue the pattern across the front. And that it breaks up that otherwise unending stretch of light pink from head to toe. It's 9" long so that she won't get caught up in it or trip, and I cut the fabric about 30" around. I was shocked to see that her waist elastic measurement is the same as what I usually cut for a 6 month old - how can that be?! The shaping of the front was done with my snazzy new curved ruler, as suggested in the aforementioned tutorial.

Now it's just time to dance, dance, dance.
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