Some recent shopping has lengthened my sewing to-do list considerably. This post is basically a visual reminder so that I can come back to these fabrics in many months and wonder why I have 7/8 yard of one and 2/3 of another. On Sunday, I met my ever-patient sister in Portsmouth. She soothed the baby and advised while I shopped.
For example.
A rusty Fassett shot cotton and Alexander Henry circles for this

tunic and pants set:

And fuschia Fassett shot cotton and Alexander Henry mushroom caps for a dress:

And a bit of this very interesting Echino print for who-knows-what.

Then things got really nuts, on an unplanned trip to JoAnn's today.

I reread
a very wise post from Oliver and S last night about choosing fabrics for kids' clothes (titled "Approach Juvenile Prints with Caution") and decided I needed a large number of respectable solids to go with all this print silliness. From top to bottom, with planned project in parentheses: plum linen (Ottobre plum tree dress), turquoise linen (ditto), rust-mustard wide-wale corduroy (Oliver and S sailor pants), cilantro narrow-wale corduroy (overalls), plum knit rib and cilantro cotton knit (tights or tees), lightweight denim (jumper).
If I sew one project every week, I have a chance of getting through most of this before I resume work in September!
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