Wednesday, May 19, 2010

FO x2!

I'm on a roll, friends! Another sewing project has traveled from start to finish since I last wrote. One motivational strategy that I use frequently while sewing or knitting is to immediately start a new project when I finish something. Once that "Blouwolff design" label is put in place, I head straight to the dining room table and cut out a new project. I always find it easier to dive back into sewing when I know I have something all cut out and ready to go. Then, when the urge (or baby's naptime) hits, I'm ready. In this spirit, I cut out two pairs of pants, one pair of tights, and a tunic-dress a few days ago. More on the pants later once I've restocked on stretch fabric needles for my machine.

Here's the scoop on the tights and tunic that you see above.

The tights pattern comes from my favorite blog and is a snap. Find the pattern and excellent directions here. I used some ultrastretchy rayon/lycra that I found on sale at JoAnn's a few months ago. I also bought this fabric in deep purple, so I'll make some tights in that color very soon.
The tunic is a combination of McCall's 5739's dress (mostly) and top (the long sleeves). It zips up the back, but since it's a 6-9 month size I think this will present less of a problem than it would for newborns. The pattern includes a really amazing coat and beret which I definitely want to make soon. I used some super-special stashed fabric that I bought in Panajachel, Guatemala back in 2002. There's a narrow teal stripe in the design that matches the tights perfectly. The girly aspects of the pattern are well-tempered by the stripey fabric and I think the jewel tones flatter Miss Quetsch's complexion. This whole tights n' tunic thing is new to me since my older child is a boy, but I've been watching the bigger cuties at daycare and I am enthusiastic about the possibilities.

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