Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pregnant Friends: Do Not Read

Sorry to be starting these last two posts with warnings, but I am trying to balance the recording of my current work with surprising some dear mama friends later this winter...

I've already established that my new baby present of choice is an appliqué onesie & pants set, so here are the results. Despite having had a somewhat miserable vacation of family illness, I managed to crank out four sets. These cover all expected births between now and my due date...thus clearing the ground for me to craft for my very own Quetsch. As I do not know the gender of any of these little ones-to-be, I made two very girly sets and two basically-boyish-but-flexible sets. All 100% cotton, size 6 months.

Girly sets both look like this, from Alexander Henry fabric (which you can sometimes find at JoAnn - thrilling!):

Basically boyish sets look like this:
I am a polar bear despite my pointy snout!
and this:

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