The Reprodepot blog inspired me to start appliquéing oneses. After a very confusing trip to Carter's and Target, where I discovered that nearly all baby clothes are pink or blue and *already* have tacky and/or sexist decorations on their fronts, I found a few acceptable options to bring home - sadly, most of these are yellow. I made this one by cutting out the elephant with a stencil from my animal paper chains book (an old favorite for card-making), adhering it with Steam-a-Seam 2 (which I'd read about on some other baby craft blog), and then stitching around the edges with zigzag stitch (challenging but doable - the key is to stay on the appliqué at ALL times). This is a very fun, satisfying way to use up fabric scraps (for example, those I generated in my recent quilt-making fit). I can't wait to attack the Christmas onesies we got at Old Navy and turn them in secular, year-round garments!
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